Sign up for this course by following these steps:

First: signing up for the AaltoOpenLearning platform

1. Go to the Aalto OpenLearning info page:

2. If you have a user account provided by Aalto University or HAKA Federation, click the "Haka login” / Aalto login" button.
    If you are a new user, create a user account by clicking “Create new account”.

3. If you created a new account, you have go to the email you used for login and click the confirmation link.

Second: enrolling to the course

4. Go to the course page:

5. Click the "Course overview" button, located on the right top corner.


6. Click the "Self enrolment" button.

Forgot your username or password?

If you have forgotten your password or username, go to the page:

Enter your email address to the "Email address" field and click the "Search" button. An email will be sent to you with a URL to reset your password. The message also includes your username. If you don’t receive the email, please check your spam and junk folders.

Unable to view the course material?

If you don't have an access to all material, you haven't been enrolled for the course.

If you are unable to see the section menu, note that you can hide/unhide the section menu by clicking the top-left button.

Last modified: Thursday, 30 March 2023, 1:31 PM