Finland Studies MOOC
Elements of studying at a Finnish university
Completion requirements
Kalle Airo, Laura Kitinoja, Paula Schönach & Saurabh Deo
Laura Kitinoja is the program director of Aalto University Summer School. She is interested in the theory and practice of challenge-based pedagogics and continuous education. Laura has taught several challenge-based courses for international cohorts and coached and coordinated 50+ student projects during her career at Aalto.
Paula Schönach (PhD, Docent) is a senior specialist in sustainability at Aalto University. Her main focus is on advancing and developing multidisciplinary sustainability education and supporting teachers in integrating sustainability relevant themes into their teaching. Additionally, she is interested in the science-policy interface and in increasing the societal impact of research - for a better, sustainable future.
Saurabh Deo is a researcher (Ph.D.) (MIT Academy of Engineering, India) at Aalto Design Factory, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Aalto University, where he applies his expertise in Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills to advance product design and development in higher education. He is passionate about inspiring innovation and fostering critical thinking through collaborative and interactive learning experiences.
Last modified: Tuesday, 4 April 2023, 2:22 PM