Kiertotalouden monialainen opintokokonaisuus
Структура за темами
BJ02A1100 Biorefineries
Course prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree
Language: English
Distance learning: yes (only)
Time and space
The course is web based, totally distance learning. It will be available for students twice per academic year, in 2019-2020 on the periods
02.09.19 -18.10.19
07.01.20 -21.02.20
To sign in LUT Moodle go to:
and select a course you'll participate
PhD Eeva Jernström
PhD Maaret Paakkunainen, course coordinator
Intended learning outcomes:By the end of the course, the student is expected to be able to
Understand the basic concept of a biorefinery and the various alternative concepts
Understand the main biorefining processes, e.g. kraft pulp process, production of biofuels, further processing of different bio-based raw materials.
Have general knowledge of current biorefinery products, their applicability to different end-uses
apply management and cooperation skills in implementation of project work in combined virtual and f2f working environment
The course covers the most typical biorefining-processes currently in use as well as some selected future processes. Topics include raw materials for biorefineries, processes and process conditions, most common biorefinery products and their end-uses. The course includes Moodle assignments and project work. The project work will be carried out individually or in small groups that will define their own target, and working methodology. The course is suitable for distance learning.
Teaching and learning methods, assessment:
Tutorials and workshops 5 h, 2nd period. Project work 50 h. Self Study of predefined material 75 h. Total workload 130 h.
The course includes Moodle assignments and project work. The project work will be carried out individually or in small groups that will define their own target, and working methodology
Grading 0-5, Moodle assignments 60 %, Project work 40 %.