2. Short curated list of recommended reviews [page]
This page contains a curated short list of recommended ALD reviews for newcomers in the field.
- Basis of organisation: newest first.
- List curated by Riikka Puurunen.
- For discussion on the more than 200 ALD reviews, please see the page https://openlearning.aalto.fi/mod/page/view.php?id=7568.
- For full list of reading recommendations, please see "Recommended-ALD-reviews-evolving-file" (it is a Google Docs file).
- The list published on 29.11.2019 is an initial version, expected to develop in the coming weeks, months and years.
At the end, there is a section that contains reviews (/essays) dedicated to the history of ALD, created in relation with the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) and elsewhere.
Reviews recommended for newcomers
(Aalto ALD OpenLearning list curated by Riikka Puurunen, date 29.3.2024)
M. Weber, N. Boysen, O. Graniel, A. Sekkat, C. Dussarrat, P. Wiff, A. Devi, D. Muñoz-Rojas, Assessing the Environmental Impact of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Processes and Pathways to Lower It,
ACS Materials Au 3 (2023) 274–298. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsmaterialsau.3c00002
- As of 29.3.2024, recommendation by Dr. Riikka Puurunen, Associate Professor (Catalysis Science and Technology), Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Finland
H. Van Bui, F. Grillo, J. R. van Ommen, Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition: Off the Beaten Track,
Chemical Communications 53 (2017) 45-71;
http://doi.org/10.1039/C6CC05568K; https://rsc.altmetric.com/details/12677822
- As of 29.11.2019, recommendation by Michael Nolan, PhD, Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork, Ireland
S. D. Elliott, G. Dey, Y. Maimaiti, H. Ablat, E. A. Filatova, G. N. Fomengia, Modeling mechanism and growth reactions for new nanofabrication processes by atomic layer deposition, Advanced Materials 28 (2016) 5367-5380;
https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201504043; https://wiley.altmetric.com/details/4913229
- As of 29.11.2019, recommendation by Michael Nolan, PhD, Tyndall National Institute, UCC, Cork, Ireland. (Note: Publication category of this article is “progress report”, rather than "review")
S. M. George, Atomic Layer Deposition: An Overview, Chemical Reviews 110 (2010) 111-131;
https://doi.org/10.1021/cr900056b; https://acs.altmetric.com/details/3348730
As of 29.11.2019, recommendation by Dr. Riikka Puurunen, Associate Professor (Catalysis Science and Technology), Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Finland
R. L. Puurunen
Surface chemistry of atomic layer deposition: A case study for the trimethylaluminum/water process,
Journal of applied physics 97 (2005) 121301;
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1940727; https://aip.altmetric.com/details/2113654
- As of 29.11.2019, recommendation by Ruud van Ommen, PhD, Professor in Chemical Engineering, Delft University of Technology
Reviews dedicated on the history of ALD
(Updated 6.7.2020, by Riikka Puurunen)
ALD has been invented independently twice. The details of early ALD works have only rather recently (since 2013) been collaboratively worked out in an international open science effort, the ”Virtual Project in the History of ALD" (VPHA), http://vph-ALD.com. This section collects together links to review articles and essays resulting from the VPHA or otherwise dedicated to the history of ALD (basis of organisation: newest first).
- Invited proceedings article: R. L. Puurunen, "Learnings from an Open Science Effort: Virtual Project on the History of ALD", ECS Transactions 86(6) (2018) 3-17; DOI:10.1149/08606.0003ecst. Open Access preprint, DOI: 10.1149/osf.io/exyv3.
- Review article: “Recommended reading list of early publications on atomic layer deposition—Outcome of the “Virtual Project on the History of ALD””, Esko Ahvenniemi, Andrew R. Akbashev, Saima Ali, Mikhael Bechelany, Maria Berdova, Stefan Boyadjiev, David C. Cameron, Rong Chen, Mikhail Chubarov, Veronique Cremers, Anjana Devi, Viktor Drozd, Liliya Elnikova, Gloria Gottardi, Kestutis Grigoras, Dennis M. Hausmann, Cheol Seong Hwang, Shih-Hui Jen, Tanja Kallio, Jaana Kanervo, Ivan Khmelnitskiy, Do Han Kim, Lev Klibanov, Yury Koshtyal, A. Outi I. Krause, Jakob Kuhs, Irina Kärkkänen, Marja-Leena Kääriäinen, Tommi Kääriäinen, Luca Lamagna, Adam A. Łapicki, Markku Leskelä, Harri Lipsanen, Jussi Lyytinen, Anatoly Malkov, Anatoly Malygin, Abdelkader Mennad, Christian Militzer, Jyrki Molarius, Małgorzata Norek, Çağla Özgit-Akgün, Mikhail Panov, Henrik Pedersen, Fabien Piallat, Georgi Popov, Riikka L. Puurunen, Geert Rampelberg, Robin H. A. Ras, Erwan Rauwel, Fred Roozeboom, Timo Sajavaara, Hossein Salami, Hele Savin, Nathanaelle Schneider, Thomas E. Seidel, Jonas Sundqvist, Dmitry B. Suyatin, Tobias Törndahl, J. Ruud van Ommen, Claudia Wiemer, Oili M. E. Ylivaara, Oksana Yurkevich, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 35 (2017) 010801 (13 pages); DOI: 10.1116/1.4971389. Open Access.
- Essay: A. A. Malygin, V. E. Drozd, A. A. Malkov, V. M. Smirnov, "From V. B. Aleskovskii’s "Framework" Hypothesis to the Method of Molecular Layering/Atomic Layer Deposition", Chemical Vapor Deposition 21 (2015) 216-240; DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201502013
- Essay: R. L. Puurunen, "A short history of Atomic Layer Deposition: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy", Chemical Vapor Deposition 20 (2014) 332-344; DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201402012. Open Access.
- Review article, with published correction: G. N. Parsons, J. W. Elam, S. M. George, S. Haukka, H. Jeon, W. M. M. Kessels, M. Leskelä, P. Poodt, M. Ritala, S. M. Rossnagel, "History of atomic layer deposition and its relationship with the American Vacuum Society", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 31 (2013) 050818; http://doi.org/10.1116/1.4816548.
Correction: "Erratum: “History of atomic layer deposition and its relationship with the American Vacuum Society” [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 31, 050818 (2013)]", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38, 037001 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0000143. (Analysis of the correction, including a recreated corrected paragraph on Molecular Layering: http://aldhistory.blogspot.com/2020/06/analysis-of-erratum-jvsta-history-of-ALD-and-relationship-AVS.html)