Introductory Finnish - Self-study
Seasons and weather
Completion requirements
There are four very different seasons in Finland. Seasons' changes bring a natural cycle in life,
where for example leisure activities change along with seasonal changes.
Finns tend to speak about the weather and it is a common small talk topic.
If you add –lla or -llä at the end of the of the season word e.g. syksy fall syksyllä you get a new meaning which is in the fall.
kevät - keväällä spring - in the spring
Note that in kevät the final -t is dropped and extra -ä is added when the ending is added. The stem is kevää-
syksy - syksyllä fall - in the fall
kesä - kesällä summer - in the summer
talvi - talvella winter - in the winter
Note that in talvi the final -i changes to -e when the ending is added. The stem is talve-
Sataa vettä.
It's raining.

Aurinko paistaa, on aurinkoista.
Sun is shining, it's sunny.

Sataa lunta.
It's snowing.

It's windy.
On kylmä.
It's cold.
On kuuma.
It's hot.
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 April 2017, 12:01 PM