How to do the course:
  • Enroll on
  • Complete the lectures
    • You can find the course strucutre on the left
    • Keep an eye on empty circles on the left navigation bar; you have to do them to make them complete (filled with green)
    • There are lecture modules which have different page within them. Check for links at end of pages
  • Do the assignments, quizzes and get grade above 50%.
  • Collect badges
  • There are small quizzes inside the videos. You cannot go back and get the point 2nd try. These are not graded.

Name of the course

Intro to Remote Rock Mass Characterization

Teacher in charge

Dr. Mateusz Janiszewski

Dr. Lauri Uotinen

Teaching period


Level of the Course

BSc and MSc

To whom is this module beneficial

The open online course is designed for master students, engineers, researchers, and other professionals in the fields of rock mechanics, rock engineering, mining, and geology. The course is tailored to accommodate participants with varying levels of expertise, and no prior experience in photogrammetry or laser scanning is required.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles and techniques of rock mass characterization, laser scanning, and photogrammetry
  • Plan photogrammetric data collection
  • Gain practical experience remotely via a 360-degree content
  • Apply data analysis methods to real-world scenarios
  • Perform remote fracture mapping from 3D models


Remote Rock Mass Characterization summer course provides an in-depth exploration of rock mass characterization techniques, including laser scanning, photogrammetry, and data analysis. The course consists of lectures and practical exercises that allow participants to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. Through hands-on experience, students will learn how to map from 3D models, such as a rock face and tunnel drift.

The course will contain a virtual tunnel visit, where students can see a real-world tunnel environment. 

Implementation and 
assessment methods

The module will be held as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The exercises are structured as self-study. 

Course material

Presentations, recordings, remote mapping exercises, 3D models, 360-degree images


Basic understanding of rock mechanics and engineering geology

Workload and credits

(1 cr 25-30h)

1 cr / 27 h

8 h Lectures (45 min each)
3 h Quizzes
10 h Exercises
6 h Independent study



- Intro to rock mass characterization

- Photogrammetry and laser scanning

- Remote rock mass characterization

- Wrap up and future trends



Data acquisition

- Virtual tunnel visit

- 3D data processing

- Remote rock mapping

Assessment of learning (exam) and grading scale

The module is assessed as passed or failed. The assessment is based on the points collected in the quizzes and exercises.

Challenges (if any)

While the course is designed to be accessed and completed without the use of any special equipment, some content would benefit from having access to a computer running Microsoft Windows operating system with an Nvidia Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Benefit: Students can replicate the shown task. However, this is not a requirement for the completion.

Use of e-learning

Whole course is available as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Including remote mapping on 3D models of rock mass surface, online lectures, recordings, remote tunnel visit via 360-video

Feedback management and improvement of the course

Post-course feedback