Basic Finnish 1 (Finnish Language for Beginners) 19.9.-5.12.2023
Small group: Matkasuunnitelma (travel plan)
Completion requirements
1. Decide a holiday destination in Finland! Ask and answer out loud:
A: Mihin Suomessa sä haluaisit mennä?
B: No mä haluaisin mennä...
A: Okei, mennään sinne!
2. Find out info about your destination online. Most cities have their own tourism info website. You might also find useful the site Visit Finland.
3. Find out how to get there using public transport and how much it costs.
ferry (to Ahvenanmaa, Åland):,
4. Decide a suitable time to travel. See months in Finnish here: Months and seasons in Finnish (
A: Milloin me mennään sinne?
B: No... sopisko helmikuussa? Kun on loma? (vacation)
A: Joo, se sopii.
5. Find out activities in the place you are going to travel.
6. Write a short text (a few sentences) to Padlet HERE. Use these questions and Noora's example on travelling to Kuopio as help. :) You can add text by clicking the the pink plus icon in the right-hand side of the page.
- Mihin sä matkustat ja milloin?
(where to and when)
- Millä sä matkustat? Kuinka paljon se maksaa?
(transportation, cost)
- Kuinka kauan matka kestää? Kuinka monta päivää?
(how long is the trip)- Mitä sä teet siellä?
(find out at least one activity to do)
Last modified: Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 6:10 AM