Viikko ja päivät - week and days

viikko week
päivä day

Arki, arkipäivät - weekdays

Note that the week starts on Monday (not Sunday).
maanantai Monday
tiistai Tuesday
keskiviikko Wednesday
torstai Thursday
perjantai Friday

Viikonloppu - weekend

lauantai Saturday
sunnuntai Sunday

If you add –na at the end of the day e.g.
maanantaina you get a new meaning which is on Monday. How would you say:
a)    On Friday
b)    On Sunday
c)    On Wednesday
d)    On the weekend
a) perjantaina, b) sunnuntaina, c) keskiviikkona, d) viikonloppuna

Shorter versions of the names of the days MA, TI, KE, TO, PE, LA, SU are often used for example in grocery store signs.


auki  auki  suljettu
You also see the words avoinna or auki open and suljettu or kiinni closed.
avoinna or auki open

klo = kello o'clock asti until

or kiinni closed


Vuorokausi - time of day

aamu morning
päivä day
ilta evening

If you add –lla or -llä at the end of the time of the day e.g.
aamulla you get a new meaning which is in the morning.

ilta-illalla (you can learn more about the consonant change lt-ll in the grammar part)

eilen yesterday tänään today huomenna tomorrow

Last modified: Thursday, 18 August 2022, 1:46 PM