Osion kuvaus

  • Tänään tunnilla:

    Today we continued to practise the local cases (paikallissijat), see grammar p. 113-114, harj. 15, 16AB (oral pair exercise), 17. We did the listening exercise 19 (mistä mihin). we learned how to make the case Illatiivi ("into") p. 115 and did the exercise harj. 20. We read and listened the chapter Pedro muuttaa on p. 108 and studied the vocabulary (pikkusanat ja adjektiivit) on p. 110. We practised adjectives in pairs, harj. 7.


    • Opiskele s. 115 "Illatiivi"
    • Harj. 21 ja 22

    Paikallissijat (local cases)
    • Opiskele s. 113-114
    • Harj. 18 ja 24

    • Write the correct place word to the correct picture. harj. 23


    Sinun koti

    • Harj. 9. Vastaa. Ei tarvitse kirjoittaa! Puhu vain.


    Monikko "t" (Plural of nouns and adjectives)
    • Opiskele monikko s. 116
    • Tee harjoitus 28

    Esseetehtävä (essay assignment)

    This is a compulsory writing assignment. Please write a text with ca. 150 words. The subject of your text is "Minun tavallinen päivä" (my ordnary day). In the text introduce how you live in Finland or in your home country. Use a wide vocabulary and try to use different kinds of sentences.

    Please try to use such words and structures we have studied, do not try to say something "too difficult". Use a dictionary if you need -- but the best is to stick to the vocabulary we have learned with the book -- because you know how to use these words.

    This assignment is due 3rd December, so you have a lot of time to work on this. Please return your essay in MyCourses, see extra section on the left-hand-side column.