Exam instructions
Date: 22.02.2020
Time: 13:00 - 17:00 GMT+2 (4 hours). MyCourses cut-off time: 17:00 + 10 minutes. Exams will not be accepted by the system after this time.
Method: Remote exam in OpenLearning
Deadlines: The exam is designed as a regular 3 hour exam. You have one extra hour to deal with technology issues. And 10 extra minutes as a margin of error.
Contact: Miko Karjalainen (miko.karjalainen@aalto.fi), Pekka Alestalo (pekka.alestalo@aalto.fi) +358 40 535 7310.
All those registered for the course in the current period have automatic access to the course OpenLearning space where the exam will be.
Exam rules:
Your name, signature, and for the students of Aalto University also the student number must be visible on each page.
During the exam, you may use any material you wish. That is, the exam is "open book".
Communication with other people regarding the exam is strictly prohibited during the exam. Your work must be your own.
You must hand-write your solutions on paper or a computer tablet. Typed solutions are not permitted without advanced permission.
It is your own responsibility to make sure that your submitted answers are readable. Unreadable solutions will not be graded.
Students in need of alternative arrangements, for disability or health reasons, must contact the examination organizer within the registration period (in accordance with the Aalto exam guidelines).
Submitting the exam:
Create a single PDF document of your exam (tips below).
Upload this PDF to the return box in MyCourses.
If you encounter some very seriously difficulty that can not be resolved then contact the person above.
In case of some complete IT failure or other major unpredictable incident you may email your exam to miko.karjalainen@aalto.fi with the subject line "MOOC Exam". You must clearly state the reason why your are submitting by email.
Login to OpenLearning before the exam starts, so that you are not affected by possible overloading of the login system.
PDF creation. There are many apps that turn photos from your phone into clear PDFs. Your final document will usually be around 6MB, and hopefully no larger than 20MB. The system will not accept a file larger than 100MB. Sample apps.
- PDF-XChange - Fully featured PDF editor. Available at https://download.aalto.fi/
CamScanner (not endorsed by Aalto): https://www.camscanner.com/
Dropbox app: https://help.dropbox.com/installs-integrations/mobile/document-scanning
Google drive app: https://support.google.com/drive/answer/3145835?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en&oco=0
Note that uploading a large file can take several minutes, especially if you have a slow network connection.
Technology practice. There is a sample return box on the MyCourses page. It is suggested that you practice creating and uploading a PDF.
After submitting your answers, double-check them by downloading the file from the return box. Make sure that your returned file is complete and contains all pages you want to return.