Finnish Language and Culture 1, 12.10. - 9.12.2020
Tervetuloa kurssille! / Welcome to the course!
1. Please try to find out what are the typical Finnish phrases used in greetings and saying goodbye.
2. Check out the link:
3. Esittele itsesi Forumilla. Introduce your self in forum below.
4. Tee testi alla. Do the quiz below.
Tunnin aiheet / The topics of the lesson
- Suomen kieli / Finnish language
- Tervehdykset / Greetings: formal and informal
- Kuka sä oot? / Who are you? / Mä oon / I am
- Viikonpäivät / Weekdays
Kotitehtävät / Homework
1. Opiskele materiaalit alla. Study the material below.
2. Mikä sinun maan nimi on suomeksi? Find out what is the name of your country in Finnish.
3. Tervehdi suomeksi joka päivä! Greet in Finnish everyday!
Forum: introduce your self here!
Quiz: Recognizing words Kunskapstest
Vowels (front/back and short/long) Sida
Vowel Combinations and Vowel Harmony Sida
Consonants Sida
Videos: How to greet in Finnish Sida