
Sektion Namn Kunskapstestet stängs
Section 1 (opens 3.5.): How are you? Mitä kuuluu? Quiz: Test your listening skills choose the word you hear / write the word you hear Inget slutdatum
Quiz: Test your listening skills torsdag, 1 augusti 2024, 23:59
Quiz: Recognizing consonant duration Inget slutdatum
Quiz: Greetings Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Numbers Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Personal vocabulary Inget slutdatum
Test your knowledge - Section 1 Inget slutdatum
Section 2 (opens 10.5.): Are you a student? Oletko sinä opiskelija? Quiz: Nationalities Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Conjugate OLLA - to be Inget slutdatum
Video and Quiz: Conjugate PUHUA - to speak Inget slutdatum
Video and Quiz: Conjugation of ASUA - to live Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: How to make questions Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Personal pronoun genitive form or possesive suffix Inget slutdatum
Video, audio and quiz: What are they studying? Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Conjugate the verb OPISKELLA - to study Inget slutdatum
Quiz: Where are they working? Inget slutdatum
Test your knowledge - Section 2 Inget slutdatum
Section 3 (opens 17.5.): Where are you going? Mihin sinä menet? Quiz: The weekdays Inget slutdatum
Audio and quiz: Places paikat Inget slutdatum
Quiz: Where? Missä? Inget slutdatum
Video and Quiz: Conjugate MENNÄ - to go Inget slutdatum
Quiz: Where to? Minne? Mihin? Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Conjugate TULLA - to come Inget slutdatum
Audio and quiz: Where from? Mistä? Inget slutdatum
Audio and quiz: Seasons and weather Inget slutdatum
Test your knowledge - Section 3 Inget slutdatum
Section 4 (opens 24.5.): Do you want coffee? Haluatko kahvia? Video and quiz: Conjugate the verb HALUTA - to want Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Conjugate the verb JUODA - to drink Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Conjugate the verb SYÖDÄ - to eat Inget slutdatum
Video and quiz: Negative verbs Inget slutdatum
Test your knowledge - Section 4 Inget slutdatum
Test Your Knowledge! Test your knowledge with this quiz Inget slutdatum