Lectures related to atomic layer deposition by Prof. Riikka Puurunen, at Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, at various courses.  Newest first. 

Catalyst preparation by atomic layer deposition, Feb 10, 2021

Lecture capture in the CHEM-E1130 Catalysis course, by associate professor Riikka Puurunen.


Catalyst preparation by atomic layer deposition, Feb 5, 2020

Lecture capture in the CHEM-E1130 Catalysis course, by associate professor Riikka Puurunen. 


Atomic layer deposition as a materials growth technique, Oct 17, 2019

Introductory lecture on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) by associate professor Riikka Puurunen, given in the CHEM-E5205 Advanced functional materials course, Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering.


Part 1: https://aalto.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=149d2286-15f4-45fa-96c4-aae900b716c1

Part 2: https://aalto.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=11b66db6-4ce5-48b0-91dd-aae900c74cf6

Adsorption-controlled catalyst preparation by ALD, Jan 25, 2019

Lecture capture in the CHEM-E1130 Catalysis course, by associate professor Riikka Puurunen: Adsorption-controlled catalyst preparation by ALD (atomic layer deposition), Jan 25, 2019. 

Single-site Langmuir adsorption isotherm derivation, Jan 10, 2019 

Teaching video by associate professor Riikka Puurunen. Related blog post in Catalysis Professor's Open: https://blogs.aalto.fi/catprofopen/2019/01/10/teaching-partner-teaching-trial-with-lightboard-langmuir-isotherm/
Description: Derivation of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm step by step for single-site adsorption. Discussion of model vs real (measured) adsorption isotherms. Adsorption isotherm refers to conditions where system is at equilibrium (net adsorption rate is zero) at constant temperature (isothermal conditions). Presentation of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm for dual-site dissociative adsorption and also case where there are multiple adsorbing substances in the gas phase. The presentation largely follows the H. Scott Fogler book "Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering" and connection is made to the Langmuir single-site adsorption isotherm presented in the review on Atomic Layer Deposition, R. L. Puurunen J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 121301,
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1940727. To be used in the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering course CHEM-E1130 Catalysis and optionally elsewhere.
Panopto: https://aalto.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=2d56ca40-7ab8-401e-80e9-a9d100a13c1d.

Introduction to atomic layer deposition: principles, applications, future; Nov 12, 2018

Introductory lecture on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) by associate professor Riikka Puurunen, given in the CHEM-E5205 course of Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering. Lecture contents: Principles and concepts of ALD; Some history; Applications of ALD; Words on future. Mentions (some) faces of ALD in Finland; STG podcasts; Virtual Project on the History of ALD.



Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 24. marraskuuta 2021, 12.45