ALD doctoral thesis listing in VPHA

One activity in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA), has been to create a list of doctoral theses on ALD worldwide. The list is evolving in nature, is certain to miss some items, and is being updated on the basis of user feedback. At the time of opening this site, over 500 reviews have been listed. 

The "full" list of doctoral theses related to ALD is updated in VPHA-ALD-thesis-list (it is a Google Sheets file).

A companion to the "full list" is a "self-service file", where everyone can enter info of theses to add: VPHA-thesis-to-be-added (it is a Google Sheets file). 

Conference presentations in summer 2019

In summer of 2019, posters were presented at ALD conferences to describe the list of theses. 

  • Poster presentation: "Overview of doctoral theses on Atomic Layer Deposition collected in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD", (long list of authors), 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2019), July 21-24, 2019, Bellevue, Washington, Submitted abstract and supplementary informationPoster.
  • Poster presentation: "Overview of doctoral theses on Atomic Layer Deposition collected in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD", (long list of authors), EuroCVD 22 - Baltic ALD 16, in Luxembourg, June 24-28, 2019. Submitted abstractPoster
Images from the poster presented at the ALD 2019 conference are shown below. 

ALD doctoral thesis summaries in bar chart and world map

Senast redigerad: söndag, 23 maj 2021, 16:48