LC-7003 Survival Finnish Online 3.5.-9.6.2024
Video: Vowels: front and back, short and long
Умови завершення
Pronunciation of the vowels is easier if you have a sense where the vowels are pronounced. The first video
demonstrates where the vowels are pronounced and the second video focuses on the vowel duration.
- There are 8 vowels in Finnish: a, e, i, o, u, y, ä, ö
- a, o and u are called back vowels because you pronounce them your tongue down and back in your mouth.
- e, i, ä, ö and y are called front vowels, because you pronounce them your tongue up and front in your mouth.
- The vowels have two durations, short and long. Compare:
- tapan (I kill)
- tapaan (I meet)
Остання зміна: вівторок 2 серпня 2022 11:48 AM