Extra: tips for language learning 

VINKKI 1 / tip 1: Short intro to contextual reading strategies. Use context clues as help when you read something in Finnish. (For example when seeing weather forecast in the metro or on your phone). What kind of text are you looking at (piece of news, ad, weather forecast)? Are there pictures to help you figure out the topic? Are the words you recognize? Can you predict possible meanings? Then see the meaning of words and try to think what are the key words in helping to convey the meaning of the text. Then read again! 

VINKKI 2 / tip 2: Switch the language of your phone to Finnish in order to easily take the contextual reading strategies into daily use!  Start with weather forecast! :) 

Weather forecast on iPhone

Остання зміна: четвер 29 вересня 2022 13:37 PM