1. See and listen to a dialogue between friends in a cafe. You do not have to understand the video just yet - based on where they are, try to think what they might be discussing. 
Listen to the dialogue twice. See the video only until 00:24 and put on subtitles on Youtube by clicking CC in the video. 

2. Read the dialogue with your pair.

A: Mikä toi on? What is that?
B: Toi on rahkapulla. That's a quark bun.
A: Okei. Paljonko se maksaa? How much does it cost?
B: Mm, 2,80.
A: Okei, kiva. Mitä toi maksaa? How much does that cost?
B: 1,50.

3. See the menu of Espresso House and ask the prices of different items from your pair!

A: Mitä toi kanelipulla maksaa? How much does that cinnamon bun cost?         
B: Se maksaa 2,90. It costs 2,90.
A: Entä toi croissant? How about that croissant?
B: Se maksaa 2,60.

cafe menu

4. You and your pair go to a cafe. Create a dialogue between you and the cashier. Use the dialogues above as help in addition to small group work dialogues: Microsoft Word - Kahvilassa_pienryhmä.docx (aalto.fi) 
In the dialogue, greet the cashier, ask the price for something, order something and pay. The cashier should at least tell the prices and ask if you want your product here or to go (and if you want something else: "Tuleeko muuta?"). 
Write your dialogue on Padlet by clicking HERE.
Kuvakaappaukset: Espresso House | Passionate about coffee!
Videon alkuperä: Puhekielen verkkokurssi - Mitä toi maksaa? (google.com) 

Остання зміна: четвер 27 жовтня 2022 12:29 PM