1. Harjoittele numerot. (Practice numbers.)
Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/_crq0jh?x=1jqt&i=24t695
Tehtävä 1: https://wordwall.net/resource/52388196
Tehtävä 2: https://wordwall.net/resource/52388294
Tehtävä 3: https://wordwall.net/resource/52388258

2. Practice greetings:
Read the text “Teksti 1: tervehdykset”
Tehtävä 1: https://wordwall.net/resource/52388368
Tehtävä 2: https://quizlet.com/91613756/greetings-flash-cards/

3. Flinga: Mikä sun ammatti on? https://flinga.fi/s/F5DTRUA
Find out your profession and department/school in Finnish and write it on Flinga.
You can choose either one of the two options, when you write:
A: Write the whole sentence according to the example.
B: Write just words (profession, department/school, university).
Both options are equally fine!

4. Padlet: https://kielibuusti.padlet.org/katrischroderus4/kahvilassa-ja-ruokalassa-kzudyl67xxlxlaht
Take a couple of pictures of signs or advertisements in a café or a diner at your university (or where you typically have lunch or a cup of coffee during your day at work). Translate some key words in the sign or in the ad as well

Senast redigerad: torsdag, 21 september 2023, 07:38