1. ALD reviews: overview [page]
List of all ALD reviews
As of November 2019, well over 200 review articles have been published on ALD. A list of reviews on ALD is being collected in a Google Sheets file called VPHA-ALD-reviews, direct link here (you find the link via http://vph-ald.com/VPHAopenfiles.html, too). As new review articles appear and some older reviews are undoubtedly missing from the list, hints of review articles to add are appreciated; please suggest additions here.
Compilation of ALD review reading recommendations
Two hundred reviews are likely too many for anyone to read. Which ones should a newcomer in the ALD field pick up first, and why?
Reading recommendations for ALD reviews have been openly requested in relation with setting up this OpenLearning site, see e.g. the tweet Oct 30, 2019. The collection is created in a file called "Recommended-ALD-reviews-evolving-file" (it is a Google Docs file, embedded hyperlink here).
Anyone familiar with ALD is welcome to suggest recommendations in this file, please see further instructions in the file itself (here). (Copyright of the evolving file containing the recommendations is (c) Authors, all rights received.)
Curated list of ALD review recommendations in Aalto ALD OpenLearning
On the basis of the full evolving list of ALD review recommendations, a shorter, curated list reviews will be created for this OpenLearning site. This list is also evolving, but is still shared with the default Creative Commons licence. The list will be composed on the basis of recommendations received from well known persons in the field; preferred is to get several recommendations per review to include it in the list.
Please see the next page to access the list.