A_Pocket Student Competition
3. Submit your project
The 1st stage of the competition takes place anonymously, so any submission material must not reveal the identity of the authors, aside from an individual one-page document (.docx or .pdf file) containing the authors’ names and contact details. All submitted material of a competition entry must be marked with a title or pseudonym of the authors’ choice. Any proposal that fails to observe these criteria will be disqualified. The competition organiser shall not return entries to the participants.
Each proposal submission should include at least 2 files: 1 file representing the design project in the manner chosen by the team, and 1 document (.pdf or .docx) with the title of the project and names and contact details of authors, including your Aalto student number. You can submit up to 5 files in total, but please combine individual pages into one document, unless you submit multiple file types.
All representation files should be renamed according to the following format: TitleofProject_number.pdf
For example: Name_1.pdf , Name_2.docx, and so on.
Note: The separate file containing the authors’ contact details must be named as follows: TitleofProject_authors.pdf
For example: Name_authors.pdf
Competition language is English. Please submit all text material of your project in English.
The submission folder is open until 6.10.2017, 23:59. If working in a team, only one team member submits the proposal. Maximum file size is 100MB, and the platform works for most common image and text file formats (.pdf, .docx, .jpeg). Please provide a sharing link for video files.
Any questions on the competition can be sent to heini-emilia.saari@aalto.fi. Questions concerning the OpenLearning platform are best directed to the OpenLearning support.