Basic Finnish 1 (Finnish Language for Beginners) 19.9.-5.12.2023
Topic outline
Tänään me opitaan: Today we will learn:
- Missä? -SSA vai –LLA? (Mistä? Mihin?)
- Dialogi: Uusi naapuri
Vie sanat oikeisiin paikkoihin.
Drag the words into the correct boxes -
Learn places in Quizlet. You can choose different ways to practise in the left-hand side panel!
With this video, you can familiarise yourself with the local case system: Mihin or Minne? Missä? Mistä?
With these pictures, you can familiarise yourself with the Finnish local case system.
Watch the video where people tell how and where they are going to.
The video starts with a question: Millä sinä menet? By what means are you going?
The next question is: Minne sinä menet? Where are you going to?
List all the places and means of transport. Do you understand all of them?
You don't have to submit your answers, we'll talk about them in the lesson. -
Kuuntele audio ja toista. Listen to the audio and repeat.
With this quiz, you can check if you have learned to say where to.
Tee ko/kö-kysymys ja vastaa positiivisesti tai negatiivisesti.
Form a ko/kö question and answer positively or negatively.Start with the verb and add -KO or -KÖ to the verb.
See the three texts and pick up the words that have something to do with work or studies
Group’s report should include
- Time of the meeting (write the day in Finnish, see e.g. here)
- Form: lähinä = face-to-face, etänä = remotely (use the Finnish words in your report)
- Participants (osallistujat in Finnish)
- What was done: what did you cover?
- Questions, comments for the teacher
- Feedback about the tasks
Menetkö sinä? = Meetkö sä? = Meetsä?