Basic Finnish 1 (Finnish Language for Beginners) 19.9.-5.12.2023
Topic outline
Past tense of the verb olla 'to be',Vocabulary related to dissertations and defending your thesis
Repeating the verbs
Due: Monday, 13 November 2023, 1:40 PM
Group’s report should include
- Time of the meeting (write the day in Finnish, see e.g. here)
- Form: lähinä = face-to-face, etänä = remotely (use the Finnish words in your report)
- Participants (osallistujat in Finnish)
- What was done: what did you cover?
- Questions, comments for the teacher
- Feedback about the tasks
1. Match the picture and the word.
2. Ask your pair: "Mitä sä haluut?" (=What do you want to have?) - "Mä haluun... +A/Ä" (I want to have...)
3. Build sentences: Milloin + Mitä? + Kenen kanssa? (When? + What? + With whom?) -
Opiskele yliopistosanastoa. Study university vocabulary.
Kirjoita sana korttiin.
Write the word in to the flash card.