Структура за темами

  • Prepare for our first Zoom meeting by doing these three pre-tasks.

    • Harjoittele tervehdyksiä. See the two people greet each other and pronounce after them. Can you figure out what the greetings means? Can guess what they ask from each other in Finnish and how they answer the question?

      kuva: YLE Suomen kielen alkeet

    • Esittäydy Padletissa! Introduce yourself on Padlet in English but start your introduction with a Finnish greeting word. Add a picture of yourself, if you wish!

      You can comment on others' post by saying "nice to meet you" in Finnish: Hauska tutustua! or Kiva tavata!
      Or by saying "see you in class": Nähdään tunnilla!

      The address to the padlet:


      instructions how to add text to Padlet
    • This course will touch on several different themes.  Please think about these questions:

      • What do you think about the themes?
      • Are some themes more important, for you, than some others?
      • Can you think of some interesting themes which are missing on the list?

      Can you come up with some examples of (concrete) situations/topics that would fall into these categories? Please write down your ideas under each theme. If someone else has already written a topic you also find important, you can "like" it or add your comment. We will discuss the themes together in the beginning of the course.