Basic Finnish 1 (Finnish Language for Beginners) 19.9.-5.12.2023
Osion kuvaus
Johanna: Haluut sä kahvii? Would you like to have some coffee?
Niklas: Joo, se ois kiva. Yeah, that would be nice.
Johanna: Okei, mä voin tarjota. Iso vai pieni? Ok, on my treat. Big or small one?
Niklas: Pieni on ihan okei, ei maitoo. Small one is okay, no milk.
Johanna: Okei.Tänään me opitaan:
Today we will learn:
- tervehdyksiä ja esittäytyminen / greetings and introducing yourself
- numeroita / numbers
- *yliopiston kahvilassa ja ruokalassa / in a university cafe and diner
1. Practice greetings
2. Greeting informally
3. Spoken language greetings
4. Greeting formally
5. Most common greetings
Read the text (out loud as well).
Take a couple of pictures of signs or advertisements in a café or a diner at your university (or where you typically have lunch or a cup of coffee during your day at work).
Translate some key words as well.
Find out your profession and department/school in Finnish and write it on Flinga.
You can choose either one of the two options, when you write:
A: Write the whole sentence according to the example.
B: Write just words (profession, department/school, university). Both options are equally fine! -
Mitkä numerot kuulet? Which numbers do you hear? :)
P.S. "Älä soita tänne enää koskaan" = Never call here again
Mitkä numerot kuulet? Which numbers do you hear? :)
P.S. "Hengaillaan" = Hanging out