Finnish Language for Beginners 2 (faculty and staff) 2.2.-27.4.2023
Topic outline
Kysy parilta: Onko sulla pöytä?
Pari vastaa: Joo on. Entä sulla? / Ei ole. Entä sulla?
Ask your pair: Do you have a table?
The pair answer: Yes, I have / No I haven't and you? -
1. Opettaja lukee ja sinä kuuntelet. 2. Lue parin kanssa ja kerää kaikki huonekalusanat.
1. The teacher reads and you listen. 2. Read with your pair
collect all the furniture words. -
Katso video kotona.
Post a picture of your flat here and tell about it. You can also post a picture of your coffee room at work, and describe it.
Lue teksti ryhmässä ja katso uudet sanat. Sen jälkeen kysy kysymykset ja vastaa.
Read the text in a group and see the new words. Then ask questions and answer.