Структура за темами

  • Teacher and a group of students in a classroom. Lot's of apples on the tables. It seems that everybody brought an apple.

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      Video: Pedagogical reasons for using a visitor in a course Сторінка
      Не доступно, якщо: Діяльність Topic 2: Reflection не позначено виконаною
    • Teaching collaboration with companies can involve more than just guest lectures. We strengthen the work life skills of our students by utilizing the close collaboration between the various industries and the university in study projects, courses, and in practical training.

      Open this content and see where you find more information if needed!

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      Video: What do students expect from a teacher Сторінка
      Не доступно, якщо: Діяльність Video: Pedagogical reasons for using a visitor in a course не позначено виконаною
    • h5pactivity icon
      Cookbook of a teaching session H5P
      Не доступно, якщо: Діяльність Video: What do students expect from a teacher не позначено виконаною

      What should be taken into account when planning a teaching session? Read more and complete the tasks in the Cookbook of a teaching session!

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      Topic 3: Quiz Тест
      Не доступно, якщо: Діяльність Cookbook of a teaching session не позначено виконаною
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      Topic 3: Reflection Форум
      Не доступно, якщо: Діяльність Cookbook of a teaching session не позначено виконаною
    • The handbook seeks to provide practical information on teaching at Aalto University.