Topic outline

  • Micronova Training Courses for Cleanroom Users

    Welcome to the Micronova training courses organized by Aalto Nanofab. On this page, you'll find our training courses on Cleanroom and Chemical work. The Cleanroom user training is mandatory for everyone who wants to work in the Aalto part of the Micronova cleanroom or the other laboratories. The Chemical training is requisite for any kind of chemical work using fume hoods or wet benches.

    These courses utilize the resources of the AALTOLAB Laboratory safety training platform.

    NEW PROCESS (from 1.1.2025)

    1) Cleanroom training:

    1. Start the process as early as possible, since you will be required to complete certain tasks before you can attend the Course meeting.
    2. Aalto users: Log in with your Aalto/Haka credentials
    3. Other users: Create a new Aalto OpenLearning account, or Log in with your existing account
    4. First, apply for user credentials for the Micronova LIMS system: (Supervisor is your immediate superior/boss, Practical coach is any senior cleanroom user who is able to join you on your first visits to the cleanroom and is willing to be available for practical support)
    5. Also send a brief e-mail to and request to be enrolled to the Cleanroom training, so that we know you want to participate
    6. Wait for us to contact you - you may e-mail if you don't get a response within a week
    7. We will send you some questions and paperwork to complete; answer the questions and return the pre-filled forms via e-mail
    8. You will then receive the enrolment key required to SELF-ENROLL onto the course here in OpenLearning
    9. After enrolling, you can register onto a Course meeting group of your choice below, and view all the training materials
    10. Follow the instructions for the Cleanroom training - study the materials, watch the videos and submit the homework assignments (min. 24 hours before the Course meeting)
    11. Show up on time for the Course meeting at Micronova (Tietotie 3, 02150 Espoo)
    12. Turn in your Process flow as soon as possible following the Course meeting - you will not be granted access to the Cleanroom before it's been inspected and approved!

    2) Chemical training:

    1. NOTE: You must have completed the Cleanroom training prior to attending the Chemical training!
    2. Register to Chemical training course meeting group of your choice below
    3. Follow the instructions for the Chemical training - study the materials, watch the videos and submit the homework assignments in time!
    4. Show up for your Course meeting at Micronova (Tietotie 3)

    Privacy Policy

    • Course participants will not see each others' name or email.
    • All teachers will see the participants' name and email.
    • Signed application forms will be sent to VTT Security for the purposes of security evaluation, as a requisite for gaining access rights to cleanroom. Aalto Nanofab will store digitized versions of the forms.

    Contact information

    The trainings are managed by Aalto Nanofab. Course page & materials maintained by Matti Hokkanen (

    • Course meeting dates (Spring 2025):

      Gathering for course meetings at Micronova (street address: Tietotie 3) front lobby by the info desk. Attendance limited to 6 students per group (Cleanroom trainings) or 4 per group (Chemical trainings).

      • EXTRA - CHEMISTRY: 19.3.2025 09:00 - 12:00
      • CLEANROOM: 26.3.2025 09:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CHEMISTRY: 2.4.2025 09:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CLEANROOM: 16.4.2025 09:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CHEMISTRY: 23.4.2025 9:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CLEANROOM: 14.5.2025 09:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CHEMISTRY: 21.5.2025 9:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CLEANROOM: 28.5.2025 09:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CHEMISTRY: 4.6.2025 09:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CLEANROOM: 11.6.2025 09:00 - 12:00 AM
      • CHEMISTRY: 18.6.2025 9:00 - 12:00 AM

      NOTE: course meetings typically finish around Noon, but can take anywhere between two to four hours. Please reserve four (4) hours for these sessions, since it's impossible to know when exactly we'll finish!
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Cleanroom trainings: Spring 2025 Group choice

      Choose your Cleanroom training course meeting date here (max. 6 students per meeting)!

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Chemical trainings: Spring 2025 Group choice

      Choose your Chemical training course meeting date here (max. 4 students per meeting)!

      NOTE: you MUST complete the Cleanroom Training before attending the Chemical training course meeting!