Topic outline

  • Tänään tunnilla (Today in class)

    Today we continued to practise the local cases (paikallissijat), (see grammar p. 113-114) and we did oral pair exercises.
    We studied how to use the verbs "to go": mennä and käydä. p. 115.
    With käydä-verb you use either -ssa or -lla: Käyn saunassa lauantaina. Käymme torilla huomenna.
    We reviewed the plural -T-form p. 116.
    We studied positive and negative imperative form: SYÖ! 'Eat!', PUHU! 'Speak!', NUKU! 'Sleep!' You just take the first person SYÖN and drop the N and you'll get the imperative form SYÖ!. Negative imperative is ÄLÄ SYÖ!.'Don't eat!', ÄLÄ NUKU! 'Don't sleep!'


    Paikallissijat (local cases)

    • Opiskele s. 113-114 Study p. 113-114.
    • Tee harjoitus 14, 15, 17, 18, 21. Do exercises 14, 15, 17, 18, 21.
    • Do the exercises from the Teacher's paper 1: mihin-missä-mistä

    mennä + MIHIN, käydä + MISSÄ

    • Katso s. 115 ja tee harj. 25. Look at the p. 115 and do the ex. 25.

    Monikko "t" (Plural form (T) of nouns and adjectives)

    • Opiskele monikko s. 116. Study the plural form p. 116.
    • Tee opettajan paperista ASTEVAIHTELU (K,P,T) Sano monikon nominatiivi Do the exercises from the Teacher's paper 2: Say the plural basic form: kakku - kakuT
    For those who were absent: do the tasks in the teacher's papers 1 and 2 below.