In Twitter, #ALDep has been established as a joint hashtag for ALD-related contents. In November-December 2019, a new hashtag was initiated to discuss educational learning and teaching activities and materials related to ALD: #ALDepEdu. If you wish to give feedback on this Aalto ALD OpenLearning site via Twitter, please add also #ALDOpenLearning and @rlpuu in your tweet. (Some advice for new Twitter users, written for the ALD community a few years ago: http://aldhistory.blogspot.com/2016/07/advice-for-new-twitter-users.html)
In the future, the plan is to expand the site. How exactly, the details are still to be thought of. The purpose is to make this site a community effort, and the users are welcome to propose content to and jointly improve the site. Do you have feedback? Please share it via the anonymous survey https://webropol.com/s/ald-openlearning-initial-feedback (the survey can be answered many times).